An enthusiastic soon to be scientist gal from earth.
Hi. I just discovered your site from tumblr while searching for some Foundation crumbs and theories to calm my soul after the intensity of E208. I just wanted to pat you on the shoulder for this incredible work. you and all your Foundation team. All of you did such a great job in portraying Asimov's world and in my own opinion surpassed it. so, Thanks. An enthusiastic soon to be scientist gal from earth.
Are the people of Ignis under some sort of aegis? Because if they think what is happening to Gaal is ok, they're no different then the Synnaxian zealots she fought hard to escape. I would burn the entire refuge down. They couldn't be my warriors.
Joseph India
Fucking loved this episode, can’t wait for the next one to hopefully find out a lot more about Demerazel